“People either think the parent was an absolute monster, or we tend to think of them as horrible victims. The truth tends to run somewhere in between.”

-Steven Shea, Forensic Psychologist- University of South Carolina

Sourced from: Anderson, Virginia. “Portrait of infant killers hard to put into focus, psychological experts say.” Atanta Journal Constitution, 13 Jan 1996, p. C6. 

Episode 1:

Classic City Crime completed episodes one and two of this special series before the case was announced as solved and closed in March of 2023. Parts 3 and 4 will detail the solving of the case, interviewing the family of the now-identified mother along with investigators who worked the case 27 years ago.

Episode 2:

Episode 3: SOLVED! Released 03.28.2023

The Final Episode: SOLVED! Released 04.03.2023

About “Our Child: The Case of Infant Jonathan Foundling”